In Buddhism you practise non-attachment to many things including your achievements. Luckily my accomplishment of "running" the whole way is short lived as I become enlightened to the fact I could have probably walked it quicker. I check the "How to Run" book and Paula states that the average runner does one mile in 13 minutes. Which means absolutely nothing to me since I don't do miles, or count (as previously stated) or especially math. I wouldn't have signed up for this if I knew math was involved.
What appeals to me is the simplicity of running. Now it has become more complicated. Like what is the difference between a fast walk, a jog and what constitutes a run? I spend my "rest" day driving the car working out the odometer to calculate distances. I momentarily become discouraged, as I feel I haven't even begun bringing any spirit aspect to my running or this blog because all my effort is on the running! But then I remember that it took me 14 years before I could even sit still enough to contemplate meditating. Once I could manage that it took 3 retreats, at least 5 teachers, 1 meditation group, countless books and loads of hours of practise. I should learn to accept I am a slow learner.
I thought running was a solitary sport but now I know you need a team behind you. I have the husband as a mathematician so I gave him some homework, I'm luckily enough to now have an accommodating (not to mention free) childcare team in my parents since I am basically a part-time single Mum. Now I need to find some experts. Which means apologising and grovelling to all those friends I have that are runners who I've teased (often behind their backs while eating Tunnock Teacakes). horrendously over the years for advice and support. This feels very much like a Catholic confession. Plus I have ordered a book online called "Making Peace with your pace." And once I work out what my pace is I should have hopefully have finished the book.