Sunday, 18 September 2011

Looking for where to look (and for the tape measure).

I've been "running" steadily for over six weeks now, still attempting the same 3 kilometres and am bitterly disappointed I do not have body in manner of Cameron Diaz. I have been misinformed I was sure it was 1 kilometre = 1 kilogram lost. Wasn't that the whole point of the metric system? I tried on some second hand "real runner" clothes and I look like a trussed up marshmallow.
I've started reading other running blogs for advice and inspiration but am discouraging (see It's all a bit advanced and overwhelming, like entering a marathon before you can run at all. The only suggestion I tried was using golf balls to give your bum cheeks a self-massage but you need to have glute muscles for this and the balls just sink into me, get lodge and don't move. This is heading into dangerous territory. I decide to google "non runner" blogs and it does not bode well. I couldn't find anyone who had updated a post for two years. What happened to them all? Did they give up? Die? Is this my fate? I hope not. I like to think that they are too busy getting high off the happy endorphins of running heaven. Evidently this has yet to happen to me. So if anyone has suggestions for beginner runner blogs or know a time frame to arrive at runners heaven please share.
Part of the problem is that real runners do not remember what it is like not to run. Like a baby quickly forgets their birth. I need someone to simplify this down to basics. As stated in my last entry I worked out not to use headphones or listen to music, that I sussed out myself by observation. But where does a real runner look? At the horizon (the makes me nauseous)? Their feet (gives you a bad neck)? Sky? If I find something really difficult it is my instinct to close my eyes to concentrate. I notice myself doing this to summon strength and focus. When running this is a dangerous and unbalancing habit. I also have a tendency to roll my eyes upwards to the heavens, in a silent non-verbal gesture, "Why oh why am I compelled to do this?" I prefer running with the sun behind me casting my much thinner shadow in front. I imagine I am running to meet a thinner version of myself. After much painstaking research I did find the answer. When running you should look exactly 6 metres in front. Now I will have to get a tape measure.
A lot of these "real runners" who blog seem to have had a head start. They do not need to look far for inspiration. Some have had traumatic experiences, innumerable operations or conditions that they have managed, with sheer grit and determination, to overcome and run over a hundred marathons. I am just fat and lazy. Hardly inspiring. I think all this running is making me cynical and cranky. Better skip the run and sit on the meditation rock for awhile. Ommmmmmmm.
Here is what the Gulf Shore road looked liked the other night. Feel very fortunate to live somewhere you can see the sun rise and set over water.
PS - I would like to retract and apologise to my husband for saying he listened to talk back radio in my last post. Apparently this has caused him much anguish. I don't know what he listens too but it is boring with no rock music. I wrongly assumsed this was talk back radio.

1 comment:

JessCopp said...

nice pic :) I've still been to the gym every day ! I am becoming addicted