The problem with clichés is that they contain an annoyingly accurate element of truth. Due to this blog I now have documented evidence. In a previous entry I mentioned how much more convenient it would have been to start my running journey in Australia. Now, it appears, life is suddenly taking me there kicking and screaming for two months. I think the appropriate cliché here is “be careful what you wish for.” My thermal running gear is pointing at me laughing hysterically in the corner. From potential -40 Celsius to potential +40 Celsius.
I have outgrown my 3km running goal about two months ago but continue to rerun it's glory on a daily basis. I need a running partner to hold my hand but none can be summoned despite best efforts. I suspect a change of scenery may distract me into accidentally running 5km, I know full well I am capable of doing on a regular basis. I hate golf. Why ruin a good walk, I say? However, I live next door to a spectacular ocean front golf course, which I barely give a second glance too. Upon further closer inspection makes awfully good running trails.
The golf course is a success for me once you remove the golf and add the running. 5Km is a breeze and my mind stretches to endless loops of a possible 7km before Christmas. Then I get sick. I have been running with a minor upper respiratory infection for nearly a month with no ill effects, but it has developed into rather acute sinusitis, that antibiotics can offer no relief. I have not run for 6 days, the longest I have gone in 4 months. I do not even have the desire nor the energy nor the motivation needed to run. This does not concern me as it once might have. I know it is momentary and shall pass.
My energy is occupied and distracted with other challenges. Can I fit a run in a Dubai stopover? Do they make wicking burkas? What do you do on a 12 hour flight when your ear drums burst pouring blood? Will that affect my balance and therefore running ability? Exactly at what point does medicating become drugging 2 toddlers and a baby on a 36 hour plane journey?
I am only packing one pair of shoes; my running shoes but considering I will be running on the beach mostly, even they are dispensable. Running is immune to time differences, currency exchanges and even to climate. The beauty of running is that it can go with you anywhere. Even now when I cannot run at all, I run in my head.
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