Every family has it. Quirkiness we endure and overlook until it is entrenched in our lives as normal behaviour. My one and only running partner, my sister “The Gazelle,” despite being half my size can be heard stomping from the other end of the house. The first time I heard her come down the stairs I assumed the kids were sledding down the staircase. The second time I sincerely thought an earthquake had hit the Canadian Maritimes. The third time I just shook my head in a scientific manner at how someone so tiny can make such a racket. I, in comparison, have the footsteps of an anorexic ballerina. Stealth moves practised after years of tiptoeing (and at times rambo rolling) away from sleeping babies. I would like to think that it is all this mindfulness training coming into being but chances are it is more the former.
Lately I have been doing a lot of investigating into this “barefoot running” and I cannot help but see connections between this line of thinking and mindfulness. I have deduced that it does not matter if you run with fancy shoes, crap shoes or no shoes, it is how you run that is important. It just so happens to be easier (not to mention cheaper and more enjoyable) in your barefoot because you are more connected to the earth in terms of balance and grip. My Mum recently reminded me that I never wanted to wear shoes as a child, I said I only wanted my “air feet”, my version of bare feet. All three of my children were walking by 10 months old. I just could not bring myself to put them in stiff, heavy board like overpriced shoes that are “recommended” for babies.
It is with this in mind I take my first barefoot running endeavour to the beach. Originally my plan was, in Canada, to start running once a week uphill on the treadmill (it is impossible to run uphill incorrectly) until my muscles and ligaments could make the transition away from shoes injury free. Now, in Australia, running barefoot is easier but I still want to take it slowly. My feet have been propped up for over thirty years, I do not want them to go in shock. The truth is, since I have started running, I have encountered some problems which, it has been suggested, only surgery can fix. I refuse to believe this having taken many alternative routes in other situations and avoided surgery successfully.
It's a bit like running into a fork in the road and having to choose what direction. You can run with your shock absorbing, ventilated, self-breathing, lite, orthopaedic trainers with expensive insoles. And then replace them every year. Or with a bit of effort, mindfulness and training run barefoot. My first experimental run on the beach is at first liberating. The run is more “springy” and focusing on technique is distracting. My endurance is better. I imagine am running in the manner of an Ethiopian Marathon Sand Goddess. I am inspired. And the next morning in absolute excruciating agony.
“When we walk like (we are running), we print anxiety and sorrow on the earth. We have to walk in a way that we only print peace and serenity on the earth... Be aware of the contact between your feet and the earth. Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.” Thich Nhat Hahn
I do not believe that Thich has anything against running. I interpret his quote as meaning, when we manifest our thoughts into the physical world we should do so with with good intent and mindfulness. Love with every step. I cannot find the direct quote but I remember reading one of Thich books and he suggested to imagine a lotus blooming from every footprint you leave behind.
Lately I have been doing a lot of investigating into this “barefoot running” and I cannot help but see connections between this line of thinking and mindfulness. I have deduced that it does not matter if you run with fancy shoes, crap shoes or no shoes, it is how you run that is important. It just so happens to be easier (not to mention cheaper and more enjoyable) in your barefoot because you are more connected to the earth in terms of balance and grip. My Mum recently reminded me that I never wanted to wear shoes as a child, I said I only wanted my “air feet”, my version of bare feet. All three of my children were walking by 10 months old. I just could not bring myself to put them in stiff, heavy board like overpriced shoes that are “recommended” for babies.
It is with this in mind I take my first barefoot running endeavour to the beach. Originally my plan was, in Canada, to start running once a week uphill on the treadmill (it is impossible to run uphill incorrectly) until my muscles and ligaments could make the transition away from shoes injury free. Now, in Australia, running barefoot is easier but I still want to take it slowly. My feet have been propped up for over thirty years, I do not want them to go in shock. The truth is, since I have started running, I have encountered some problems which, it has been suggested, only surgery can fix. I refuse to believe this having taken many alternative routes in other situations and avoided surgery successfully.
It's a bit like running into a fork in the road and having to choose what direction. You can run with your shock absorbing, ventilated, self-breathing, lite, orthopaedic trainers with expensive insoles. And then replace them every year. Or with a bit of effort, mindfulness and training run barefoot. My first experimental run on the beach is at first liberating. The run is more “springy” and focusing on technique is distracting. My endurance is better. I imagine am running in the manner of an Ethiopian Marathon Sand Goddess. I am inspired. And the next morning in absolute excruciating agony.
It took two solid days for me to walk without it feeling like I was stepping on a taser. Once upon a time I could run in my air feet but since then I have underestimated the damage I have created by stuffing my feet into shoes and now my body is making me pay. But I am determined to get my air feet back, one run a week. One day I will be kissing the earth with my feet.
Once again, love it!
So r u going to run on the sand when it is hot enough to burn your feet? That should toughen them up or the Fremantle Docker can sand blast the calluses away as you run.
It appears u have a sun stroke from running as this article is very airy fairy or "artsy" or you must be on drugs or you were delirious when you wrote and posted it.
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