Sunday, 13 May 2012

Barefoot Running is Good for the Soul

My Vibram Debut.

It's like eating with your fingers or sleeping under the stars, there is a primal resonance that just feels right about barefoot running. After reading “Born to Run” I had a good think if barefoot running was literally a path I wanted to run down and thoroughly did my research wanting to avoid being swept away by any gimmicks or fads. If anyone is contemplating barefoot running I really recommend seeing a professional, whether it is a podiatrist or a really knowledgeable shoe specialist, to determine your personal pronation. I visited one in Australia a couple of months ago which I wrote about in my post Advice worth running for Part II.  I had the good fortune of purchasing a pair for half price in LA and put it down to fate.

If you have ever tried to get a toddlers fingers into a pair of gloves than you will know the level of skill and frustration required to put on a pair of Vibram's. Toes are less dexterous than fingers. The Vibram's emphasis my size ten flipper feet. My first impression is that my feet felt extremely supported. I hadn't expected that. What I had anticipated was my Dad saying, “You're going running – wearing those?” Yes, I nod. To the man wearing a woman's headscarf. It's in the genes.
At the beginning of the run I felt like I was slapping the earth in her face with every step. There is a lot of advice out there saying to change your running technique but this I feel is instinctual wearing Vibrams. Let's face it I already look like a dork so naturally I minimise anything that will draw further attention to me (except the hot pink, which hopefully stops me becoming road kill). Naturally, I could run barefoot without the Vibrams but at this point in my life that would be rather irresponsible. More people than me need my feet, and if I step on glass, get frost bite or bitten than it is my family that suffers.
The next day my muscles, particularly my gluteus maximus, are very sore. I experience first hand why it is extremely important to ease the body into barefoot runs. I have been running consistently for over ten months now, the same route I first trialled the Vibrams on. The only thing that had changed was running barefoot. This time I ran using the muscles, ligaments and tendons I should have been utilising all along. This time I ran properly, the way I nature intended me too.


Jennifer said...

Dear Julia,
I have read through your blog - it is insightful and wonderful!
Why, on earth, do you call yourself a non-runner?!? I take issue with that, and would like to discuss this with you.
~Jen Langille

Running with Spirit said...

Hi Jen! How kind of you to leave such an encouraging comment. Means a lot coming from a local runner of such high calibre ;) No doubt you will feature in a future post with the Butter Trail Race. Also planning to do one on the talk I met you again at. Actually I have more posts planned than I know what to do with. I still label myself a non runner though as it did not come naturally to me as I know it does some. But I am getting there!