Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Ten Question to Ask Yourself When You Can Run 5k and Want to Run 10k

Socrates is quoted having said an “unexamined life is not worth living.” I'm going to literally take it a step further and put it out there that an unexamined run is not worth running. As I start to think about what runs lie ahead in the next year to take me to 10k (gulp!) I wonder if there is any wisdom to be found on reflecting over the past year where I went from 5 steps to 5k?

Here are the ten questions I compiled. I wrote my answers below if interested.
  1. What did I do well?
  2. What can I improve on?
  3. Who are the people who supported me the most?
  4. How can I maximise their support and express gratitude? 
  5. Who or what inspires me to run? 
  6. Why is running 10k important to me?
  7. What challenges stand between me and running 10k?
  8. What's the number one change I need to make to ensure I achieve my 10k goal?
  9. How will I do it?
  10. If I could back in time and tell my non running self something what would it be?

What did I do well?
Mindfully, I did it all by myself. I earned every step and ran it MY way. No training program, no music, no watch, no gadgetry. I did not sustain any significant injury.

What can I improve on?
Conquer the dreadmill for winter is coming! Learn how to speak runner's talk. Find out what these pacing and splits are. Immerse myself with other runner's even if it means going incognito or paying. Get some gadgetry – even a watch or pedometer would do for starts. Work on basic math.

Who are the people who supported me the most?
Emotionally the people who read my blog because they make what I am doing feel important and worthwhile. Logistically those who look after my children so I can run.

How can I maximise their support and express gratitude?                                                    
Need to be more faithful with my blog posts and reach out to other potential readers who can  benefit from running with spirit techniques. The only way I can express gratitude is by writing well, usefully and frequently. I can only do this by running. It is a giving circle. Oh and keeping the child carers happy with occasional bribes.
Who or what inspires me to run?                                                                                                    
I love reading books about running. Especially Ultra marathoners. It makes what I am trying to achieve a piece of cake. But when I am running it is the “ordinary” people who inspire me the most. The heavily obese woman slowly jogging on the road as I drive by. The women at Stonehaven Running Club (future post stay tuned.) Not the runners who look like they came out of the womb tying up their laces.
Why is running 10k important to me?                                                                                       
It is a quarter of my marathon goal. I need to honour my health and running is the best way to make me a better person physically spiritually. 
What challenges stand between me and running 10k?    
Childcare and consistent motivation.
What's the number one change I need to make to ensure I achieve my 10k goal?
How will I do it?
In an ideal world: do 2 runs a week focusing on increasing distance and 2 runs a week that focus on speed. The other 2 days work on strength with yoga focusing especially on the core and arms. Until I come across something else that instinctively

If I could back in time and tell my non running self something what would it be? 
Go easy as hard as you can. For anything is better than nothing.


shanksi said...

Definitely a good idea to look back from time to time and ask those sorts of questions but surely "an unexamined run is not worth running" would be taking it too far. Often, it's good to just run and enjoy the moment without thinking too much about it.
Interesting blog and a nice set of questions.

Julia said...

Perfect description of running mindfully; "enjoy the moment without thinking too much about it." Thanks for your input and pleased you find the blog of some interest and the questions useful.